About Us

Tommy Harold Pigeon is a 23-year-old town counsellor who enjoys cookery, chess and badminton. He is stable and bright, but can also be very standoffish and a bit unkind.

He is a Canadian Sikh. He started studying philosophy, politics and economics at college but never finished the course. He is obsessed with jazz.

Physically, Tommy is in pretty good shape. He is average-height with cocao skin, brown hair and black eyes.

He grew up in a middle class neighbourhood. He was raised in a happy family home with two loving parents.

He is currently single. His most recent romance was with a semi-professional sports person called Ali Antonia Laurie, who was 3 years older than him. They broke up because Ali felt Tommy was too crude.

Tommy’s best friend is a town counsellor called Tatianna Hutchins. They have a very firey friendship. He also hangs around with Jeannie Sheridan and Abby Stinton. They enjoy vandalising bus stops together.